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The Sue Baldwin Fund was established in 2007 by Carrie Baldwin Smith in honor of her mother’s 10-year breast cancer remission. “This is a disease that impacts so many people and I wanted to make a difference,” said Baldwin Smith. Since the fund was established, over $350,000 has been raised – with every penny benefitting Door and Kewaunee County residents.


The purpose of the Sue Baldwin Fund is to support breast cancer awareness, screening, treatment and care for Door County residents who have an economic need. To date, many Door and Kewaunee County residents have utilized the Sue Baldwin Fund during a very real and challenging time in their lives.


In the coming year, The Sue Baldwin Fund will be looking to assist those in need in our community. If you or someone you know needs help paying for screenings, diagnostic services or assistance during  treatment, please complete our application form to request financial assistance.



(L-R clockwise): Amanda Frangella (treasurer), Katie Talbert (secretary), Chris Janisse (fundraising), Laurel Janisse (marketing), Carrie Baldwin (founder),

Deb Davis (applicant relations), Andrew Morel (President).

Pink Classic 2023


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